Albert Chan

Partner, Head, Hong Kong

Albert leads the Hong Kong business in NCS and is responsible for driving the growth of the Hong Kong market for both government and commercial sectors. He oversees NCS’ business and operation to ensure that our clients' current and future needs are met.

Albert has over 30 years of experience in management and technology consulting. With his extensive experiences, Albert will help drive the expansion of NCS footprint in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau, the Greater Bay Area.

Prior to joining NCS, Albert was the Managing Director of Accenture in Guangzhou and Lead of the Financial Services (FS) client services group in Greater China. He has led and been involved in many large-scale business transformation and system integration projects in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan.

Albert graduated with a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree from the University of Hong Kong and Master of Science Degree in Financial Management from the Imperial College of University of London. In his leisure time, he enjoys painting, model building and various sports.

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